Hey guys!!! I know its been a minute. Been wanting to put up some posts but never got around to it. Okay so one thing I've always wanted to share is my wash day routine My wash day prep starts a day before actual wash day. I usually prepoo my hair first and cover with a plastic bag over night. I prepoo with a mix of conditioner and oil. I also detangle at this stage and put my hair in braids for my wash day. By the next day, my hair is soft and ready to stand the wash day process. I shampoo my hair with a DIY black soap shampoo. I will share my recipe soon. Remember to shampoo your scalp. The run off will wash the hair strands. I then go in with my tea rinse. I use either black or green tea depending on which one is readily available. After my tea rinse, I apply my deep conditioner and and cover for about an hour. While applying ensure every strand gets some TLC. Honestly sometimes it stays longer than an hour if I am watching a movie or have slept off. I rinse out my